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Modern Dance 4

  /  Modern Dance 4

Modern Dance 4

Taught by Ursula Perry

Dancers entering Dance IV continue on the path laid out in Dance III with even greater levels of complexity being added into classes to increase body awareness, movement patterning, and continually challenge students to grow.  As most of our faculty are also dance professionals across the Salt Lake valley, movement/choreography from professional projects may be incorporated into class.  More advanced ballet and modern dance concepts are introduced with longer exercises being taught to students.

Efforts are made to build strength in a dancer’s core.  To do this, more conditioning work more traditionally found in exercise workout may be introduced including sit ups, push up, lunges, etc.

Dancers will be pushed to showcase more rhythmic accuracy in their dancing and will be expected to understand the basic and intermediate concepts of dance performance including: focus, intention, reach/stretch, qualitative changes in movement, directional changes, weight changes, emotion, and nuance of movement.

Advanced elements of contemporary dance will be introduced along with strengthening exercises to allow the student to work upside down.  Using the body’s momentum to create force and flow is a primary focus as more complicated turns in the air, into and out of the floor are taught.  Inversion and more acrobatic skills increase in complexity and push the dancer to develop skills that allow increased body awareness.  Because of this increased complexity, Dance IV are considered the most advanced of the SVCD students and will understand how to take class, be active learners, watch and observe the teacher, when to practice, and when to ask questions to facility learning.

Dancers who are fearful, uncomfortable asking questions, or lacking confidence may be asked to stay in Dance III – with the Dance III teacher spending particular time with the student to help develop these skills.

Once students are placed in Dance IV, they are usually kept at this level until graduation.  Along with placement in this class comes the recommendation to take classes else where including Repertory Dance Theatre Young Dancer workshops, company class, and other professional-level experiences that will help augment and increase the student’s training.

Tuition $85 charged monthly

10th – 12th Grade

How do I register?

Use the table below to access the online registration form.  Once you fill the form out, select your classes, and input your information the enrollment will be sent to the studio. If you have issues or questions regarding this process, please get a hold of the studio.

Can we try a class first?

Absolutely!  We’d love to offer you a FREE trial class to come and experience, first hand, the magic of what we do at South Valley Creative Dance Studio.

Please use the table below and select “TRIAL” enrollment on the form.  This will let the studio know that you are interested in learning more but not enrolling for the full semester/year just yet.  If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to the studio.

What fees do you charge?

Monthly tuition rates are found in the class table. In addition to tuition, we ask that all dancers pay a one-time $30 costume fee per class they are enrolled in and a $35 production fee per student in the spring. These fees cover the cost of costuming and producing our show. The costume fee will cover the  purchase of a leotard that your dancer will wear for the performance AND that you can keep afterwards.  The production fee will be used to pay for a videographer to shoot and record the show as well as other production costs.  A downloadable video of the performance will be made available to families.

Do I need to enroll for the whole year?

We highly suggest that you enroll for the entire year. Our Fall semester is spent in the studio dancing and building skills, while our Spring semester is used to choreograph and prep for an end-of-year recital. We don’t want anyone to miss out on enjoying and being a part of our amazing production.

If you can only enroll for part of the year, we recommend dropping from classes at the Winter/Holiday break.  Please see below for more information about our withdrawal policy.

What if we change our minds?

Every effort is made to make sure you love your dance class and want to keep coming – not only all year but for years to come!  If you have issues with the studio or teacher, please feel free to bring them to the attention of the studio owner – we will make every effort to make a place for you at this studio.

If, however, you must leave classes we require a 30-day written (email is fine) notice of your withdrawal, after which time no more tuition will be due.  This policy is strictly followed and will be enforced – it’s also a part of the legalese when you register – so you’ll see it again as a reminder!

Enroll HERE

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